Safety and Health

A Future where Humans and Nature Coexist


To realize a safe and healthy business, LILLEM implies with safety and health regulations and
strengthen safety and health management capabilities through education and training.

  • Based on the principle of human dignity, we prioritize safety and health activities as our foremost task.
    We are committed to realizing a safe workplace through continuous improvement of working and business management.

    LILLEM will create values and grow through transparent corporate activities by adhering to safety and health management policies.

Safety and Health

  • We prioritize safety and health and seek to internalize them by enhancing sustainable safety and health management infrastructure.

  • We comply with safety and health laws and regulations and enhance our safety and health management capabilities through strengthening safety and health activities.

  • We strive to foster a pervasive safety culture throughout the company organization.

  • We continuously create and maintain a safe and pleasant working environment by identifying, evaluating, and eliminating hazardous factors.

  • We aim for ZERO industrial accidents and injury rates as our safety and health goals, and strive to prevent accidents and create a pleasant working environment through active participation of employees.

  • Our safety and health policy is publicly disclosed to all employees, and we faithfully execute the safety and health system to achieve the policy and goals.